The process of attending the exhibition of camera-less photography "Shadow Catchers" in the last months of 2010 became a moment of personal epiphany. Returning home I sat on the District and Circle Line of London's Underground and began to wonder what my shadow would do if I was to try and catch it.

Initial results with a digital camera were encouraging and I began on the beach at Hayling Island, finding a small height to walk up to, onto and leap off while firing the shutter on a cable release. I was captivated by the strong patterns induced by local camera movement and the discovery that I could set a relatively long exposure and yet retain a clear outline of my shadow.

Shadows, 2011shadow 21

Other work in this year looked at technique such as pin-hole and legacy methods such as salt-print. We ran a very successful large format experience day for a group of students visiting UCA Farnham from the Indian National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

Pinhole, 2011pinhole

A wholly new technical strand was an investigation of slit scan photography both in physical film and through digital processing of video footage

Strip Camera, 2011strip camera

And of course, as a result of spending too much time on beaches, the calligraphic flow of the fairground ride in the strip camera image was a source of other images about the rollercoaster. This projct was shot on digital

Rollercoaster, 2011-2012 rollercoaster

Working in large format film is a different pace of life and I was studying the placement of road furniture at the junction on the A272 just north east of Petersfield. It seemed absurd to me that this junction should need a total of 18 bollards to mark it out but it emerged that it had been a notorious accident "black spot".

Large Format, 2011