Aldobranti, Artist and Researcher.

Open Calls and Group Shows

2021AlchemyOxmarket Gallery, Chichester UK
2019FragmentOxmarket Gallery, Chichester UK
201936 ExposuresFAB19, Bath UK
2018SOLO 3Shortwave Cafe, Bermondsey UK
2018ElementalOxmarket Gallery, Chichester UK
2018disPlaced!P21, London UK
2017TransienceArtel, Chichester UK
2017Embodied CartographiesFringeArts, Bath UK
2016Salon des Refusés 2016SPACE, London UK
2015Inventive Factory: Museums at NightThe Novium, Chichester UK
2015[][][] 3 cells 3 artistsEastleigh Magistrates Court building, Eastleigh UK
2015Here and ThereASPEX, Portsmouth UK
2015Critical SpacesLondon Graduate School, London UK
2014Where's the ArtModern Art, Oxford, Oxford UK
2014Light's Festive Tents: MA ShowWinchester School of Art, Winchester UK
2014Tabula Rasa: WSA Fine ArtBargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, London UK
2014RoCo 2014Rochester Contemporary Arts Center, Rochester US
2014Thunder Flux!HaHa Gallery, Southampton UK
2013Art at NESTANational Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, London UK
2013Open DoorsEugenio de Almeida Foundation, Evora Portugal
2013ZAP Open 2013Zeitgeist Arts Project, London UK

Solo Shows

2013Lessons in metaGeographyFlora Twort Gallery, Petersfield UK
2015Lights Festive TentsStudio 3 Arts, Barking UK


Aldobranti is an artist, whose work centres on a conceptual photography often approached through performance.
His work is always driven by research: since 2010 the Cast Shadow of the Self and, more recently ethics in relations with the Other. His work on Shadow concentrates on that when independent and separate of the Figure. Like a naturalist, he stalks out these separate shadows or studies the places where they might fall. The Cast Shadow is closely associated with the Self and the Other and performance work explores our relationship with our Other.
Time is or so it seems to Aldobranti, closely tied to Narrative and recent work in time based media has looked at the way in which identity is expressed as narrative and narrative drives responses to otherness.
His work has been shown throughout the UK, in Portugal and the US. More recently, edizioni Fosco Fornio have published research monographs and curated collections in support of his research.
Aldobranti gained a MA Fine Art with Distinction from Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. He was supported by an academic scholarship from the University of Southampton. Previous academic qualifications were graduate and postgraduate degrees in Mathematics.

Press Cuttings, On-line collections and Other Honourable Mentions

New Book: Presence: Performance and Self-Portraiture

Talk with Ram Samocha of DrawToPerform

New Book: Photology, photographers and metaphor

New Book: American Gothic; collection curated by Aldobranti
New Book: Critical Moss, art as independence. Aldobranti as author
New Book: Critical Moss, art beyond the Bubble. edited by Aldobranti

Speaker: Contemporary Arts re-Search Conference

New Book: oneSelf, anOther edited by Aldobranti

Speaker: Arts reSearch 2017, Contemporary Arts ReSearch Unit
Book published: Shadow, Other, myself: research 2010 - 2017
Residency: Building Bridges

Residency: das Gras mehr grün
Residency ? Installation ? Performance ? PreFAB-Lab

Selected Artist
Competition Finalist
Local Newspaper Report
Invited Talk, London Graduate Centre
Artist in Residence
Multiple Exposure -- online zine

365 Days, 365 Artists, open call
2nd 2014 Showcase Winner, student category

Award of Scholarship
Exhibition notice, Lessons in MetaGeography